Notes from the Board - Pixie Loomis


20 Years Ago

Twenty years ago my daughter, then in her early 20’s, came home from a community focus group in Morrisville.  She was very excited that people had identified the creation of a community arts center as a priority for the town.  How amazing! They wanted a place where people of all ages, backgrounds, and talents could explore art, music, dance, clay, creative writing, poetry, and all kinds of crafts; a place where people could come together to socialize, make new friends, discover new talents, and share interests.

Bicycles on the rail trail mosaic based on photograph by Nan Carle Beauregard

Bicycles on the rail trail mosaic based on photograph by Nan Carle Beauregard

Now, thanks to an incredibly energized and committed group of volunteers, River Arts is celebrating its 20th Anniversary and enriching our community in so many unique and creative  ways!

Morrisville Mosaics

Last year, for example, River Arts launched the Mosaic Project, which involved more than 40 local volunteer artists and would-be artists in recreating 8 photographs taken around Morrisville.  The end result was extraordinary and the creativity exhibited was astonishing. Seeing all 8 finished mosaics exhibited in the River Arts gallery was breathtaking. If you missed the exhibit, you can still see individual pieces at Capstone and in the Town Offices.

Morrisville Mosaic Artists in front of their finished panels

Morrisville Mosaic Artists in front of their finished panels

A Community Resource

As an alum, who graduated from People’s Academy 50 years ago, mentioned to me:  “I wish River Arts had been here when I was growing up in Morrisville.” This incredible community resource grew out of a vision for how best to enrich Morrisville and surrounding communities.  A huge thank you to all the people who took an idea and made it a reality bringing Arts for Everyone to our area. Happy 20th Birthday River Arts!!!!

- Pixie Loomis, Board Vice President