Summer Camp Art Instructors
River Arts is looking for art teachers, leaders, and artists with experience working with children for our summer camp. The camp will run for 9 weeks, from June to August, and will accommodate two age groups. It will be held at the River Arts building from 9 AM to 3 PM.
The camp will focus on art and creativity, but we also welcome additional programming ideas. We are eager to hear your thoughts and suggestions! We need individuals who can design their own art curriculum and lead a group of children throughout the week.
If you are interested, please send an email to programs@riverartsvt.org with the following information:
Your artist CV
Samples of your work or student work
The types of mediums you teach and any class ideas you have
Teaching Artists
River Arts is always looking for experienced teaching artists for both ongoing classes and one-day workshops. We want to hear what ideas you have for an adult class, a kid’s summer camp, an after-school class, or an adult workshop. We welcome teaching artists of all experience levels and backgrounds.
Please send an email to programs@riverartsvt.org with the following information:
Artist CV
Samples of your work/ student work
Types of mediums you teach/ class ideas
Performing Artists & Musicians
Musicians, comedians, dancers, and any performing artist are encouraged to reach out to us! We are always interested in booking small concerts and other live events for our Folley Hall Gallery. We welcome performing artists of all experience levels and backgrounds.
Please send an email to programs@riverartsvt.org with the following information:
Artist CV
Samples of your work (we prefer links to the video/audio rather than receiving large files.)
Details about your performance (space requirements/ sound equipment/ setup/ duration etc.)
Exhibiting Artists
River Arts features two distinctive gallery spaces located within its historic building on Pleasant Street; the Folley Hall Gallery and Copley Common Room Gallery. River Arts also curates a number of other spaces in the Morrisville downtown including a space in the Morrisville Post Office, the Morristown Town Offices, and local business spaces.
Interested in exhibiting in one of our spaces? We accept exhibition submissions on a rolling basis. All of our submissions are juried by the Rivers Arts Gallery Committee, who welcome all mediums, subject matters, and levels of making.
Please send an email to info@riverartsvt.org with any questions about our submission process.
ART100 & Viva in the Garden fundraising events- help us plan, set-up, run, and clean up!
Youth Programs
Help us facilitate youth experiences like our BIG & Messy ART Space. We are seeking volunteers to help set up, clean up, and assisting during this weekly family art space.
Help us with facilitating public art projects during our summer Wednesday Night Live Art Tent. We are seeking volunteers to assist our teen facilitators with set up, art activities, photographing the event, and breaking down.
Do you have carpentry, woodworking, painting/spackling, handy-man skills? We are seeking volunteers to help lend us a hand periodically with specific maintenance needs.
Individuals with clay experience are encouraged to reach out to info@riverartsvt.org if they are interested in helping to clean the clay studio, mix glazes, glaze youth work, or load and fire the kiln.
Office & Marketing
Help us catch up on administrative work, organizing, and filing or help us with outreach through marketing and social media. This position is ideal for someone who has availability Mon-Fri 9am-4pm, and has experience working in an office or is tech savvy.
Internships at River Arts are designed to help young adults gain the educational work experience they need to succeed in the future. River Arts Staff work closely with interns to develop a set of goals for the internship. River Arts has worked with many Northern Vermont University students to complete academic requirements for graduation.
I never thought that I would be able to get a professional job in the arts at 18 and this program showed me that I can and that’s really given me a lot of hope for my future. I was really scared at first but this is a really neat and easy way to ease my anxiety about applying for jobs, to meet a bunch of cool people, and have a really good support team behind me.
-Eyanna, Intern 2019-2020
Please send an email to info@riverartsvt.org with the following information:
Letter of Interest
CV (optional for teens under 18)
Specific areas of interest for internship
We look forward to hearing from you!
Title: Summer Camp Student Ambassador
Application Deadline:
May 24th, 2024
Working Dates:
Summer Camp Wk 1: June 17 – 21
Summer Camp Wk 2: June 24 – 28
Summer Camp Wk 3: July 1 – 5
Summer Camp Wk 4: July 8 – 12
Summer Camp Wk 5: July 15 – 19
Summer Camp Wk 6: July 22 – 26
Summer Camp Wk 7: July 29 – August 2
Summer Camp Wk 8: August 5 – 9
Summer Camp Wk 9: August 12 – 16
Working Hours:
Monday - Friday 8:30-3:00 PM
Mandatory Orientation:
Either May 30th from 3-5pm or June 1st from 9-11am. Date TBD by May 17th.
The purpose of the Summer Camp Class Ambassador role is to empower youth to become agents of change in their community by guiding younger artists in the classroom. We encourage youth to become Ambassadors who enjoy working with younger children and have an interest in education through the arts. Our focus is to enhance their leadership and communication skills, support the classroom instructor, and serve as a role model for younger students while supporting their projects and classroom management.
Role Description:
Work collaboratively with the Program Director, Instructor, HS Intern, and junior assistant
Promote a positive, caring, and responsible classroom culture
Inspire students to actively participate in projects, conversations, and other activities, etc
Ensure students cooperate within classroom guidelines
Liaise between students and staff
Observe project instructions and assist students
Ensure management is aware of all incidents or behavior concerns.
Lead color/ journaling time
Assist in guiding students in cleanup and parent pickup prep time
Help keep students in line & organized for pickup
Be the “follow”’ on outdoor walks to the trailhead or park. You are the last person on the “rope” and ensure that all children are in front of you and staying connected
Model responsible play time and outside rules for activities
Interest in youth leadership, the arts, and an understanding of classroom expectations
Reliable transportation to and from River Arts/ Offsite class locations
Currently participates in Middle School grade levels. (Must be at least 10 years old to apply)
*Students of diverse backgrounds and identities, such as people of color, LGBTQ+ individuals, English Language Learners, students from low-income backgrounds, and students from rural and urban communities, are encouraged to apply
Working Conditions:
Reports to Jr Assistant
Must have the ability to stand and sit for extended periods of time, bend and stoop, lift a minimum of 20 lbs, grasp and complete repetitive motions that may include the wrists, hands, and/or fingers
Must pass a background check
Tobacco, drugs, and alcohol are prohibited during working hours
Pay Range:
Exempt/ Volunteer/ Work Study Program
Earn free classes/ camps for hours volunteered
Dress code:
River Arts T-shirts and pants, shorts, and skorts (tennis skirts) are allowed. Please wear comfortable clothing for art and play Sheer or revealing clothing, strapless dresses, garments with visible stains or holes, or shorts shorter than fingertip length are not permitted
Sneakers or tennis shoes are recommended, but not mandated. Flip-flips or thong sandals are not permitted
Title: Summer Camp Jr Assistant
Application Deadline:
May 24th, 2024
Working Dates:
Summer Camp Wk 1: June 17 – 21
Summer Camp Wk 2: June 24 – 28
Summer Camp Wk 3: July 1 – 5
Summer Camp Wk 4: July 8 – 12
Summer Camp Wk 5: July 15 – 19
Summer Camp Wk 6: July 22 – 26
Summer Camp Wk 7: July 29 – August 2
Summer Camp Wk 8: August 5 – 9
Summer Camp Wk 9: August 12 – 16
Mandatory Orientation:
Either May 30th from 3-5pm or June 1st from 9-11am. Date TBD by May 17th. (online or in person)
Working Hours:
Monday - Friday 8:30-3:00 PM
The purpose of the Summer Camp Junior Assistant role is to empower youth to become agents of change in their community by guiding younger artists in the classroom. We encourage youth to become Jr Assistants who enjoy working with younger children and have an interest in education through the arts. Our focus is to expose youth to hiring processes in a professional environment, enhance youth leadership and communication skills, support the classroom instructor, and serve as a role model for younger students while supporting their projects and classroom management.
Role Description:
Work collaboratively with the Program Director, Instructor, HS Intern, and class ambassador
Promote a positive, caring, and responsible culture
Inspire students to actively participate in projects, conversations, and other activities, etc
Ensure students cooperate within classroom guidelines
Liaise between students and staff
Observe project instructions and assist students
Ensure management is aware of all incidents or bad behavior
Lead game time
Assist in guiding students in cleanup and parent pickup prep time
Help keep students in line & organized for pickup
Be the “lead”’ on outdoor walks to the trailhead or park. You lead the “rope” and cross the street after the guide nods. You set the pace, the group can only move as fast as the slowest person
Assist in guiding students in cleanup and parent pickup prep time. Ensure all lunch boxes, backpacks, etc are in the students' hands during the lineup
Interest in youth leadership, the arts, and an understanding of classroom expectations.
Reliable transportation to and from River Arts/ Offsite class locations.
Currently participates in Freshman or Sophomore high school grade levels. (Must be 14-16 years old to apply).
*Students of diverse backgrounds and identities, such as people of color, LGBTQ+ individuals, English Language Learners, students from low-income backgrounds, and students from rural and urban communities, are encouraged to apply.
Working Conditions:
Reports to HS Intern
Must have the ability to stand and sit for extended periods of time, bend and stoop, lift a minimum of 20 lbs, grasp, and complete repetitive motions that may include the wrists, hands, and/or fingers.
Must pass a background check
Tobacco, drugs, and alcohol are prohibited during working hours.
Pay Range:
1st Year - $14.00/ hour | 2nd Year - $15.00/ hour
Dress code:
River Arts T-shirts and pants, shorts, and skorts (tennis skirts) are allowed. Please wear comfortable clothing for art and play. Sheer or revealing clothing, strapless dresses, garments with visible stains or holes, or shorts shorter than fingertip length are not permitted.
Sneakers or tennis shoes are recommended, but not mandated. Flip-flips or thong sandals are not permitted.
Title: Summer Camp High School Intern
Application Deadline:
May 24th 2024
Working Dates:
(select specific weeks or full summer options)
Summer Camp Wk 1: June 17 – 21
Summer Camp Wk 2: June 24 – 28
Summer Camp Wk 3: July 1 – 5
Summer Camp Wk 4: July 8 – 12
Summer Camp Wk 5: July 15 – 19
Summer Camp Wk 6: July 22 – 26
Summer Camp Wk 7: July 29 – August 2
Summer Camp Wk 8: August 5 – 9
Summer Camp Wk 9: August 12 – 16
Working Hours:
Monday - Friday 8:30-3:00 PM (possibly 3:30pm on occasion)
Mandatory Orientation:
Either May 30th from 3-5pm or June 1st from 9-11am. Date TBD by May 17th. (Online or In-person)
The purpose of the Summer Camp HS Intern role is to empower youth to become agents of change in their community by guiding younger artists in the classroom. We encourage youth to become High School Interns who enjoy working with younger children and have an interest in education through the arts. Our focus is to expose youth to hiring processes in a professional environment, enhance youth leadership and communication skills, support the classroom instructor, and serve as a role model for younger students while supporting their projects and classroom management.
Role Description:
Work collaboratively with the Program Director, Instructor, junior assistant, and student ambassadors
Help guide junior assistants and student ambassadors
Gather supplies & help the instructor with morning class prep
Check all students in for attendance
Promote a positive, caring, and responsible culture
Inspire students to actively participate in projects, conversations, and other activities, etc
Ensure students cooperate within classroom guidelines
Liaise between students and staff
Observe project instructions and assist students
Ensure management is aware of all incidents or behavioral concerns
Document Camp with photos & key moment notes, upload to our Flicker account
Create Content for camp updates social media posts (Monday-Friday) and parent update emails (Wednesday & Friday)
Lead small projects or necessary tasks assigned by staff or Instructor
Be the “guide’ on outdoor walks to the trailhead or park. You cross all streets first and stand there until the student ambassador passes. You always stand between the children and the street. You will also check attendance before heading back to River Arts
Ensure Parents Sign out children properly at pickup
Interest in youth leadership, the arts, and an understanding of classroom expectations
Reliable transportation to and from River Arts/ Offsite class locations.
Currently participates in Junior or Senior year of high school grade levels. ( must be at least 17 -19 years old to apply).
*Students of diverse backgrounds and identities, such as people of color, LGBTQ+ individuals, English Language Learners, students from low-income backgrounds, and students from rural and urban communities, are encouraged to apply.
Working Conditions:
Reports to Camp Instructor & Program Director
Tobacco, drugs, and alcohol are prohibited during working hours.
Pay Range:
1st Year - $16.00/ hour | 2nd Year - $17.00/ hour
Dress code:
River Arts T-shirts and pants, shorts, and skorts (tennis skirts) are allowed. Please wear comfortable clothing for art and play. Sheer or revealing clothing, strapless dresses, garments with visible stains or holes, or shorts shorter than fingertip length are not permitted.
Sneakers or tennis shoes are recommended, but not mandated. Flip-flips or thong sandals are not permitted.