Upcycled Stuffed Animal Workshop | Chelsey Rich

Upcycled Stuffed Animal Workshop | Chelsey Rich

from $115.00

Join the wonderful Garment Goddess, Chelsey Rich, on this six-week afterschool adventure into the skills and artform behind upcycling fabrics and pillows to make stuffed animals and more. Students will learn a beautiful blend of hand-sewing, machine-sewing, patchwork, and stuffing to leave with their own personal plush and the skills to mend them for many adventures to come.

As part of our mission for Arts for Everyone, River Arts offers flexibility in pricing for each and every artist. As we strive to make our youth programming possible for as many families as possible, we ask those with the ability to do so to consider paying more tuition to help those with fewer economic opportunities - please know your tuition will always be going to our mission to continue the arts for everyone.

  • Tier 1 - Full Tuition - Supports our mission and scholarship for other students to be able to attend, as well as contribute to our historical building’s maintenance and preservation.

  • Tier 2 - Reduced Tuition for Families in Need - Our historically low rate, covering the direct costs of paying instructors and materials.


Please email info@riverartsvt.org if your family requires additional tuition assistance. We never turn a student away based on inability to pay.

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