Why Art is So Important To Me - Reflections from Clay Studio Intern Madison Roberge
Freshly handle-d mugs
Getting ready to trim on the wheel
Studio tech work - mixing glazes
Art is creating something with the application of a thought or feeling connected to it. It’s expressing; emotions, experiences, perspectives. For me it is a way of understanding these things. Sorting out the things in my head. It’s a way of calming me down, but also understanding the world. Some days the works or pieces, which I create are based on a certain emotion. Other times they’re more a reflection of something which I’ve experienced. They can simply be braindumps, almost of me just letting everything out of my head or the work can be more curated and precise.
Art is something that we can always improve on. We will never be as good as we can be, as there is always more to learn. We call it our art practice not only because it’s something we do regularly but because we are always learning more. Our technique is always improving. Our style is continuously evolving. Our work will never be done.
Art is a way of finding comfort when we feel alone. People connect through their work and the work of others. Certain pieces resonate with different people in similar ways. It’s freeing in that there’s no right or wrong way to do it. Art is a place where originality and uniqueness are celebrated. Art is where you are celebrated for exactly who you are.
Waxing bottoms before glazing