River Arts | Community Arts Center | Morrisville, Vermont

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Multigenerational Art Space Restarts on Thursday Mornings


For many years, River Arts offered an ‘Elder Arts’ drop in art space where members of our community 65+ could gather to meet and make artwork. Many individuals expressed that although they were 65+, they didn’t love being referred to as an “elder” or a “senior”. We received the feedback that a multigenerational space, open to all ages, would be a better way to help connect older community members to community and combat the feeling of isolation from regular society.

We are excited to create a space that fosters friendship across generations. We love that special moment in multigenerational spaces when an experienced artist in their 80s connects with an emerging artist who is 18.

We hope you’ll join us some Thursdays soon- from 10am to 12pm every week. Our Multigenerational Art Space is a self-directed space, so we do ask that participants are at least 14 years old. Set up to make in our gallery space and know that River Arts will provide some basic art supplies to keep your creativity flowing. Participants are encouraged to bring a project from home, bring along a new friend, or prepare a project they want to share with others.

Everyone is welcome at River Arts!

Every Thursday at River Arts
10:00AM - 12:00PM
Ongoing Drop-In Art Space
Ages 14+
$ Free of Charge | Materials Provided