Accepting Donations for our Upcoming Mugs and Muffins Friendraiser


Kiss the Lip of a Handmade Mug
Or Give the Earth a Hug with A Reusable Mug
Our events committee loves rhymes and puns
Support River Arts, Give us some love

The Mugs and Muffins Friendraiser is a community fundraiser with a goal to raise $5,000 to help River Arts continue to provide art experiences for everyone in 2022. This new event features a week-long online sale of ceramic mugs made by local potters, pieces donated from private pottery collections, and pieces made in the River Arts clay studio. We invite folks to stop by River Arts on Saturday at the end of the week to pick up their pre-purchased mug and fill it up with locally roasted coffee or herbal tea. We’ll have a selection of delicious baked treats to choose from and we hope you’ll bring a friend who hasn’t yet been to River Arts to check out a few community art activities that will be set up upstairs. 

You Can Help!

  • If you are a local potter or someone with some handmade pottery to rehome, we are currently accepting donations until Friday, May 6th. 

  • If you are a baker and would like to volunteer to bake some treats for folks, please email to let us know what you plan on baking.

  • If you are a business owner or local who would like to help sponsor this event, please email to learn more about how you can help support this event.

Thank you for supporting River Arts and contributing to our thriving community arts center, where people come together to create a positive future through the arts! We look forward to seeing you at our Mugs and Muffins Fundraiser Event on Saturday and Sunday May 28th & 29th from 10 am to 2 pm!

Thank you to our generous annual sponsors and event sponsors who make this event possible!

Annual Sponsors:

Event Sponsors:


Lisa Wolfgang