Catch A Glimpse- Post Office Exihibit Up Through Nov. 29th

If you haven’t already- be sure to swing by the Morristown Post Office to view photographs from the Master the Iphone as a Camera class led by distinguished photographer Nan Carle Beauregard. This unique class was sponsored by Lamoille Neighbors and offered an opportunity for connect and create through a series of zoom classes that started in September 2020.

“As a photographer I had never considered my phone as a tool for creative expression. Taking this iPhone class with Lamoille Neighbors has opened a world of experimentation for me.” -Lisa Dimonsdtein

Featured artists include:

Wiffy Brooks
Lisa Dimondstein
Ellen Gibs
Marilyn May
Mary Miller
Sue Moore
Olea Smith-Kaland

The work will be up through November 29th.